This guide explains how to configure your Windows 10 Mail client to access your email account. This tutorial was created using version 17 of Windows 10 Mail. If you are using a different version, these instructions may differ.

Add Account

  1. Click the Windows Icon or hit the Windows Key to Open the Start Menu
  2. Scroll down to find and click the Mail application
  3. Click Add Account
  4. Select Other account

Enter Account Information

  1. Email Address: Enter your email address
  2. Send your messages using this name: Enter your first and last name
  3. Password: Enter your mailbox password.
  4. Click Sign In

Enter Advanced Account Information

  1. Email Address: Enter your email address.
  2. User Name: Enter your email address.
  3. Password: Enter your password.
  4. Account Name: This can be your name or a unique identifier for this account.
  5. Send your messages using this name: Enter your first and last name
  6. Incoming mail server: Enter
  7. Account type: Select IMAP4
  8. Outgoing (SMTP) mail server: Enter
  9. Make sure the following settings are checked:
    1. Outgoing server requires authentication
    2. Use the same user name and password for sending email
    3. Require SSL for incoming email
    4. Require SSL for outgoing email
  10. Click Sign In


If you are experiencing issues getting your email to connect, please check the following settings to ensure they are configured correctly.

  • Incoming Server:
  • Outgoing Server:
  • Make sure your password is correct
  • Make sure you are using your email address as your username: i.e.

If you still have issues, please submit a support ticket and one of our agents will help you get set up.